Thursday, May 24, 2012

Is it normal to have less friends when you leave school and college

Is it normal to have less friends when you leave school and college?
I am in my second year of college in the UK, and at school i had a huge group of friends. Since starting work and college i hardly see my old mates apart from about 2 or 3. Im used to seeing so many people, but now everybody is falling out and i dont know where il ever meet a group like that again. Has any1 else had this problem? It has really got me down because i am worried.
Friends - 3 Answers
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2 :
huh? what are you so depressed about? your other friends are probably also busy like you are, they have their own lives to contend with. When I started work, I was so used to seeing much of my circle of friends in college, that it took a few months to feel normal. You can still talk to your friends through the phone or sms each other. They don't have to be with you every weekend, they do have plans you know. And they need not drop whatever they are doing just to be with you when you have free time. Chill out. How about planning a get together or a weekend party? Plan it at least 2 or 3 weeks before the date. That way, they can clear their schedules ahead of time. At least most of your friends might be able to attend. Catch up on each others lives. :P
3 :
Its called growing apart.time ahs caused this separation
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

any good optometry schools in uk

any good optometry schools in uk?
in a year i am graduating with a BA in bio. i have always wanted to travel and would love to go to school in the uk!! ive done some research but if anyone has some good tips on schools and places to live that would be great!!
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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cardiff uni is good you might consider it
2 :
well there are only 8 schools in the uk that do optometry luckily i live in a town where one of these universities is located Aston University does Optometry courses in Birmingham
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

should i shave my legs I'm a bisexual, and at a public school in the uk

should i shave my legs I'm a bisexual, and at a public school in the uk?
I'm 16 and a guy. i'm bisexual and am a little twinkish,in shape (thin, not very muscly), i find body hair kinda sick and i like the look of shaved legs on guys and girls, should i shave my legs? my last girlfriend says she liked that i am effeminate and i sometimes worry that the only reason i don't pursue what i want to look like is because i'll be bullied? its an English public school, so there is a lot of prejudice against anyone who is different already.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 5 Answers
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if ya want!
2 :
id hold off unless you have a strong will. or you can make something up when your confronted... like a lie
3 :
no i don' think so but if you want to attract men yes (if ur gay yes)
4 :
If it makes you uncomfortable, then go right ahead. shave your damn legs ;)
5 :
I suppose it depends how much you expect to be bullied and how often your legs are on show. If you don't mind people knowing you're bi, then shave your legs and be prepared for the questions. However if you go to a nice school where the students are supportive and accepting, you've nothing to worry about! Don't worry in two years time (if you're going to sixth form or college) you won't have to worry about things like this, you can just shave your legs and be done with it! And don't forget under your arms!
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Do private schools in the UK have to stick to the same curriculum and policies as state schools

Do private schools in the UK have to stick to the same curriculum and policies as state schools?
Such as what subjects you teach, what material you teach for those subjects, sex education policies and methods for dealing with bullying? Edit: So, nobody has any answers then?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes they do
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